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Deep inside

Deep inside
music : KSK
words : KSK

I want a key to enter your mind,
even if you sense my secret breaking in your head.
I wanna see the hidden meaning of your kind,
even if I'd feel pain and sad to know your background.

you shut it down and I lose my way

(deep inside of your heart I've never check is still covered)
I wanna disclose your hiden face もどかしいこのカーチェイス
(deep inside of your heart I've never find out will come out)
I'ts really psychologic war 終いには信頼を

it's a funny human maze.
our reason make us fake.
we tried to widen the world,
but infact we made it tight.
it's a funny human maze.
our reason make us fake.
if you wanna widen the world,
don't fake yourself and others.
open your mind.


you shut it down and I lose my way

(deep inside of your heart I've never check is still covered)
I wanna disclose your hiden face もどかしいこのカーチェイス
(deep inside of your heart I've never find out will come out)
I'ts really phychilogic war 終いには信頼を


pick up spiritual microphone 心理のnitro tone 誘う開口路
and the inside blackhole gonna get bigger
意思のfree 懇願してる身が deathへ向かう矛先にstopかけ
subconscious jangle 掻き分け進め
be dull for ちゃっちないびり時に
be sharp. so what you wanna be ?
wake up 螺旋状に巻く内に秘めた意識の階段登る
行き着いた先何がなくともI just mean that you must feel your thought.
shake off common sense.

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